Mark your calendars for the 30th Annual DREAMS Auction on April 11th, 2025!
It's time to start planning your table guests, donations, and all the fun that awaits!
The Online Catalog will be available to view starting April 1st, and you can also register to bid at that time (note your card will not be charged until you make a purchase).
Online bidding starts April 11th at Noon!
Check back here for links to register and bid!
You can purchase tables of 8 or an Individual ticket by calling Kim Nelson at the Alumni Foundation office at (701) 671-2187 or email her at Kim.J.Nelson@ndscs.edu.
We anticipate a sold-out crowd for our milestone 30th year of DREAMS, so be sure to get your tickets soon!
The 2025 DREAMS Book will be here soon!
View Event Photos from DREAMS 2024!
DREAMS — Directing Resources to Educate And Mentor Students — first started in May of 1995. At that time, the proceeds were ear marked for the Allied Health Center fund drive, supporting the 2.2 million dollar Bute Gym project as well as operating support for the Foundation. Co-chairing the event, along with Director Woody Caspers, was Myron Koppang, VP of Business Affairs at the time, and Jim Sturdevant, Alumni Foundation board member. The first event was held at Prante's on The Green. While DREAMS has evolved and changed with time, the purpose for DREAMS has continued to support our mission.
About the NDSCS Foundation
The Alumni Foundation is the fundraising arm of the college and by doing so, we are able to offer thousands in scholarships each year, plan events for Alumni, as well as assisting with departmental fund drives. DREAMS is not only a FUN event to connect with so many that support the college, but also aids in all that we do throughout the year!